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G7 Roadmap for a Gender-Responsive Economic Environment

Taormina, Italy, May 27, 2017

We, the Leaders of the G7, met in Taormina and agreed to adopt this Roadmap. In line with the principles endorsed in the Taormina Declaration, this Roadmap focuses on the structural policies falling within our central governments' jurisdiction that are likely to have the greatest impact in delivering gender equality through enabling women's labor force participation, entrepreneurship, economic empowerment and thus their full and equal participation in society.

We note the outcomes of the previous G7 Presidencies, in particular the Elmau and Ise- Shima Leaders' Declarations, and the relevant international frameworks, notably the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome documents of its review conferences, the global call to action of the UN Secretary General's High Level Panel for Women's Economic Empowerment, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We also appreciate the voices heard from the third sector and civil society at the W7 Forum – Starting from Girls.

1) Increasing women's participation and promoting equal opportunities and fair selection processes for leadership at all levels of decision-making

1a. Promote policies that enhance women's participation and leadership in all aspects of social, economic, and political life. Concerned that, in all countries, including the G7, women's participation in political, economic and public life remains uneven, we decide to:

1b. Promote women's entrepreneurship. Reaffirming that greater levels of female participation in entrepreneurship contributes to innovation, job creation and economic growth, we commit to:

2) Strengthening the foundation of women's access to decent and quality jobs

2a. Remain committed to reducing the gap in labor force participation rates between women and men by 25% by 2025 through boosting female participation, improving the quality of employment and enhancing gender equity. Recognize the negative impact of women's lower labor market participation on earnings, pension gaps and retirement savings as well as on their economic independence. While recognizing that women are often employed in lower paying jobs, as well as in jobs pertaining to the social sphere, and in the informal economy, we commit to:

2b. Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work and its estimated contribution to the economy. Aware that formal sector economy often relies upon the unpaid care economy/domestic work, which is disproportionately shouldered by women and girls, we decide to:

2c. Invest in social infrastructure to support households' care for children and other dependents. Recognizing that social infrastructure, namely the interdependent mix of facilities, places, spaces, programs, projects, services and networks that maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life in a community and include healthcare facilities and services, education facilities, recreation grounds, as well as programs, resources, services, and community and cultural development, play an essential role in easing the burden of unpaid work and in enabling women to be part of the formal labor market, we will:

2d. Invest in health, well-being and nutrition to promote women's and girls' full economic empowerment and crucial role as agents for change. We recognize that the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is critical to women's and girls' social, political and economic empowerment. As such, we will:

2e. Develop a new gender-sensitive and multidimensional analysis of poverty and mainstream gender equality in the development of anti-poverty strategies and all other economic, social and environmental policies. Acknowledging that a gender-sensitive multidimensional poverty measure could provide a valuable contribution to gender statistics in G7 countries by highlighting the interlinkages between gender and poverty, empowerment and inequality, and by spotlighting the main reasons for poverty and social exclusion, we decide to:

2f. Develop comprehensive work-life balance and equal pay policies and measures. Recognizing that women are often employed in precarious employment and that the abovementioned policies and measures – such as paid leave, working arrangements that are flexible over lifetimes, childcare and long-term care, and pay transparency measures – can play a critical role in enhancing the participation of parents, especially women, in the labor market, we are determined to:

2g. Promote participation by girls and women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM). Acknowledging that the area of digital, scientific and technological skills is still one in which women and girls are under-represented, that such skills are an important requirement for many decent, high-paying jobs in today's economy, and based on the results achieved through previous G7 efforts, including the Women's Initiative in Developing STEM Career (WINDS), we remain committed to:

3) Eliminating violence against women and girls throughout their lives

Promote and enforce appropriate measures to end violence against women and girls in public and private spheres. Stating that violence against women and girls is a violation and abuse of human rights and a clear barrier to their empowerment and sustainable development, with significant direct and indirect costs for all society, including on countries' GDP; recognizing that a multi-sector response is crucial to stop harassment and all forms of violence – including harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation, as well as domestic and intimate partner violence and human trafficking for both sexual and labor exploitation – against women and girls, including migrants and refugees; and recognizing the importance of respecting, protecting and promoting women's and adolescents' health and healthcare, we, the G7 Leaders, pledge, in accordance with the national competent levels of Government, to:




Monitoring and accountability

The G7 Working Group on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment will be responsible for monitoring progress vis-à-vis the commitments included in this G7 Roadmap for a Gender-Responsive Economic Environment.

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Source: Official website of the G7 Taormina Summit

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