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University of Toronto

G7/G8 Summit Meetings

The Road to Sea Island

See also Official Documents | Delegations

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For events after the Sea Island Summit, see Road to Gleneagles.

June 8–10, 2004
Sea Island Summit (see Official Documents for summit-related briefings, fact sheets, statements and other documents)
Chair's Summary, June 10, 2004
Science and Technology for Sustainable Development: "3r" Action Plan and Progress on Implementation, June 10, 2004
Debt Sustainability for the Poorest, June 10, 2004
G8 Commitment to Help Stop Polio Forever, June 10, 2004
Ending the Cycle of Famine in the Horne of Africa, Raising Agricultural Productivity and Promoting Rural Development in Food Insecure Countries, June 10, 2004
Fighting Corruption and Improving Transparency, June 10, 2004
- Compact to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption:
A New Partnership between the G8 and Nicaragua, June 10, 2004
- Compact to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption:
A New Partnership between the G8 and Georgia
, June 10, 2004
- Compact to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption:
A New Partnership between the G8 and Nigeria
, June 10, 2004
- Compact to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption:
A New Partnership between the G8 and Peru
, June 10, 2004
G8 Action Plan: Expanding Global Capability for Peace Support Operations, June 10, 2004
G8 Action to Endorse and Establish a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, June 10, 2004
G8 Statement on Sudan, June 10, 2004
G8 Statement: Gaza Withdrawal and the Road Ahead to Mideast Peace, June 10, 2004
G8 Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative (SAFTI), June 9, 2004
G8 Action Plan on Nonproliferation, June 9, 2004
G8 Plan of Support for Reform, June 9, 2004
G8 Leaders' Statement on Trade, June 9, 2004
Partnership for Progress and a Common Future with the Region of the Broader Middle East and North Africa, June 9, 2004
G8 Action Plan: Applying the Power of Entrepreneurship to the Eradication of Poverty, June 9, 2004

Other Documents
G8 Global Partnership Annual Report, June 10, 2004
G8 Global Partnership Consolidated Report [PDF], June 9, 2004

Press Releases
President Ghazi Ajil al-Yawer of the Iraq Interim Government to Attend the G8 Summit in Sea Island, June 4, 2004
President Bush Invites Turkey to the G8 Summit as Democratic Partner, May 26, 2004
President Bush Invites Leaders from the Greater Middle East to the G8, May 24, 2004 (with invitations issued to other leaders)
President Bush Invites Leaders of Six African Countries to Meet with G8 Leaders in Sea Island, May 18, 2004

May 22–23, 2004
G8 Finance Ministers, New York
Statement of G7 Finance Ministers, May 23, 2004
Statement of U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow, May 23, 2004

May 14, 2004
G8 Foreign Ministers, Washington, DC
Chair’s introduction and press conference, May 14, 2004 [HTML]

May 10–11, 2004
Justice and Home Ministers Meeting, Washington, DC
Communiqué, May 11, 2004 [PDF] [HTML]
Recommendations for Enhancing the Legal Framework to Prevent Terrorist Attacks [PDF]
Recommendations on Special Investigative Techniques and other Critical Measures for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism [PDF]
Recommendations for Sharing and Protecting National Security Intelligence Information in the Investigation and Prosecution of Terrorists and Those Who Commit Associated Offenses [PDF]
Statement of Principles to Protect Asylum Processes from Abuse by Persons Involved in Terrorist Activities [PDF]
Best Practices for Network Security, Incident Response and Reporting to Law Enforcement [PDF]
Declaration on Recovering the Proceeds of Corruption
Press conference, May 11, 2004 [HTML]

April 23–24, 2004
G7 Finance Ministers, Washington, DC
Joint Statement on Combating Terrorist Financing, April 23, 2004
Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, April 24, 2004
Statement by U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow, April 24, 2004

April 19–20, 2004
G8 Sherpa Meeting, Washington, DC

April 13–15, 2004
G8 Lyon/Roma Meeting, Washington, DC

February 6–7, 2004
G7 Finance Ministers, Boca Raton, Florida
Action Plan on Afghanistan
Agenda for Growth: Progress Report
Statement by U.S Treasury Secretary John Snow, February 7, 2004

January 26, 2004
G8 Deputy Finance Ministers, Brussels

December 15-16, 2003
G8 Labour Ministers, Stuttgart, Germany
Chair's conclusions [HTML] [PDF] (Hon. Wolfgang Clement, Minister of Economics and Labour, Germany)

November 17, 2003
Counter-Terrorism Action Group, Paris

September 20, 2003
G7 Finance Ministers, Dubai
Agenda for Growth
G7 Statement Regarding the Economy of the Palestinian Authority

June 1–3, 2003
Evian Summit

G8 Centre
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Please send comments to: g8@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024.

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