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University of Toronto

2018 G7 Foreign Ministers' Commitments

Brittaney Warren, G7 Research Group
April 24, 2018

The following document lists the commitments published in the documents issued by the G7 foreign ministers at their meeting in Toronto on April 22-23, 2018, as identified by the G7 Research Group.

Document Number of commitments Percentage of commitments
Foreign Ministers' Joint Communiqué 102 75%
Annex 1 FM: Promoting Implementation of International Humanitarian Law 3 2%
Annex 2 FM: The G7 Women, Peace and Security Partnership Initiative 10 7%
FM and SM: Defending Democracy — Addressing Foreign Threats 6 4%
FM and SM: Managing Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Associated Travellers 17 12%
Total 138 100%

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Foreign Ministers' Joint Communiqué


2018-1: [We recognized that to be effective and durable, initiatives addressing peace and security challenges need to support women's equal and meaningful participation at all levels of decision-making processes, address women's and girls' needs and respect their rights, including their security and safety, and facilitate their access to and control of resources and the benefits of peace in line with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and other relevant resolutions.] The G7 members are committed to implementing those resolutions

2018-2: [The G7 members are committed to implementing] their respective National Action Plans on women, peace and security.

2018-3: [We underscored the strategic importance of enhancing the integration of a gender perspective into policies and initiatives, and we look forward to the contributions of the Gender Equality Advisory Council to this endeavour.] We expressed our will to support a concrete and transformative approach and identify policy options accounting for gender mainstreaming and inclusion.

The rules-based international order

2018-4: [We are concerned about resurgent forms of racism, xenophobia and discrimination worldwide, including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim sentiment.] We will work individually and collectively to combat such discrimination and ensure that diversity is recognized and leveraged as a strength for humanity.

2018-5: We are determined to work collaboratively to reinforce our democracies against interference by hostile state and non-state actors.

2018-6: We underline the need to further protect those in situations of vulnerability, especially women, children and persons with disabilities and other persons belonging to minorities who are often marginalized or excluded in society.

2018-7: As outlined in the Toronto Commitments, we intend to redouble efforts to achieve greater awareness of and respect for international humanitarian law among national and international partners.

2018-8: We reiterate our commitment to promoting cooperative, international maritime governance

2018-9: [We reiterate our commitment to] maintaining a rules-based maritime order based on international law, including as reflected in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

2018-10: [We reiterate our commitment to] building trust and ensuring security

2018-11: [We reiterate our commitment to] the peaceful management and settlement of disputes without using the threat of force or coercion and in accordance with international law, including through internationally recognized legal dispute settlement mechanisms, including arbitration.

2018-12: We reiterate our commitment to the freedom of the high seas, including the freedom of navigation and overflight

2018-13: [We reiterate our commitment] to other rights, including the rights and jurisdiction of coastal states and internationally lawful uses of the seas.

2018-14: [We reiterate our concern regarding the destruction of marine ecosystems in the South China Sea, which threatens their sustainability and regional fish stocks,] and reaffirm our commitment to increasing international cooperation to enhance protection of the marine environment.

2018-15: We reaffirm our commitment to further international cooperation on maritime security

2018-16: [We reaffirm our commitment to further international cooperation on] maritime safety

2018-17: [We reaffirm our commitment to further international cooperation on] the protection and sustainable management of the marine environment.

2018-18: We reiterate our commitment to combatting illegal activities at sea, including acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea, transnational organized crime and terrorism in the maritime domain, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, trafficking of weapons and illicit drugs, and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

2018-19: We are committed to supporting regional maritime security in regions affected by illegal maritime activities through comprehensive capacity building assistance under existing instruments in areas such as maritime governance, coast guard authorities and functions, disaster relief, maritime search and rescue, and maritime information sharing and integration, including maritime domain awareness.

2018-20: We stress the need to protect the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable situations, in accordance with international law.

2018-21: We pledge to continue working in partnership, as appropriate, with countries of origin, transit and destination to address the factors that lead to irregular migration and forced displacement.

2018-22: We underscore the need for a gender-responsive approach to migration policy, noting that women and children have specific needs that should be taken into consideration, and that their inclusion and active engagement can strengthen the effectiveness of our responses.

2018-23: We pledge to coordinate efforts to support building lasting peace and democratic transition in Myanmar

2018-24: [We pledge to coordinate efforts to] promote accountability for the human rights violations and abuses committed in Myanmar, particularly in northern Rakhine

2018-25: [We pledge to coordinate efforts to] provide life-saving gender-responsive humanitarian assistance, especially for survivors of sexual violence.

2018-26: We reaffirm our shared commitment to the security, stability, prosperity, full sovereignty and European Union aspirations of the Western Balkans.

2018-27: [To this end, we emphasize the importance of advancing the rule of law and respect for human rights,] and confirm our shared commitment to tackling the full range of challenges and opportunities through a comprehensive approach.

2018-28: We reiterate our enduring support for Ukrainian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

2018-29: We fully support the efforts within the Normandy format and of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe for a solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

2018-30: [We recall that the duration of Donbas-related economic sanctions is clearly linked to Russia's complete and irreversible implementation of the Minsk Agreements. These sanctions can be rolled back only if Russia truly fulfills its commitments,] but we also stand ready to take further restrictive measures should Russia's actions so require.

2018-31: We reconfirm our support for Ukraine's reform

2018-32: We are committed to protecting and promoting the rules-based international system.

2018-33: Notwithstanding, we will continue to engage with Russia on addressing regional crises and global challenges.

2018-34: We will continue to bolster our capabilities to address hybrid threats, including in the areas of cybersecurity, strategic communications and counter-intelligence.

2018-35: We wish to cooperate with China to resolve the challenges to regional and global peace and prosperity, notably on the Korean Peninsula.

2018-36: We underscore the need to take into consideration the detrimental humanitarian situation in the DPRK when dealing with asylum seekers, including abstaining from forcibly repatriating asylum seekers to the DPRK and allowing safe passage for DPRK asylum seekers transiting through China.

2018-37: We stand ready to assist these countries, as appropriate, to fulfill their positive ambitions.

Non-proliferation and disarmament

2018-38: We are committed to working together and with our partners to promote international peace and security, and to create the conditions for a more secure, stable and safer world.

2018-39: We reaffirm that we will never accept a nuclear-armed DPRK and remain committed to the goal of achieving complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of the DPRK's WMDs, including biological and chemical weapons, missiles and related facilities, for the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and beyond.

2018-40: Noting that meaningful negotiations must imply concrete actions by the DPRK toward denuclearization, we are committed to maintaining maximum pressure, including by cutting down or reducing DPRK diplomatic representation abroad and downgrading economic relationships.

2018-41: Until the DPRK denuclearizes, we further commit to countering the DPRK's sanctions-evasion tactics, particularly through its illicit maritime activities, including prohibited ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum and sales of coal and other UN-banned commodities, as well as its malicious cyber activities.

2018-42: We further resolve to make clear to the DPRK that a diplomatic solution leading to complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of WMDs and missiles, as well as related facilities, is the DPRK's only viable option and would lead to a brighter future within the international community.

2018-43: We intend to continue our coordination on capacity building, counter-proliferation and proliferation financing.

2018-44: We are committed to permanently ensuring that Iran's nuclear program remains exclusively peaceful, in line with its NPT obligations and its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) never to seek, develop or acquire a nuclear weapon.

2018-45: We strongly support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its crucial monitoring and verification work to help ensure Iran's compliance with its JCPOA and other commitments, including safeguard obligations.

2018-46: We intend to continue to our work to counter Iran's regional proliferation of ballistic missiles and its unlawful arms transfers.

2018-47: We reaffirm our commitments to joint efforts to reinforce the goals of the NPT as the essential cornerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and as a foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

2018-48: [We also welcome the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty's potential contribution to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament,] and reaffirm our commitments to promote the International Monitoring System.

2018-49: While recognizing the constraints of the current international security environment, we remain strongly committed to the goal of ultimately achieving a world without nuclear weapons, to be pursued using practical and concrete steps in accordance with the NPT's emphasis on easing tension and strengthening trust among states.

2018-50: [Outer space plays a vital role in global prosperity and security but is increasingly congested and contested.] We commit to respond to these threats by continuing to advance and develop norms of responsible behaviour to ensure the safety, stability and sustainability of space so that all countries can benefit from its peaceful use.

2018-51: We confirm … our commitment to build collective resilience against such threats.

2018-52: We are committed to preventing conflicts from extending into outer space through voluntary, pragmatic transparency and confidence building measures and guidelines.

2018-53: In this context, we reaffirm our support to the International Partnership against Impunity for the Use of Chemical Weapons

2018-54: We underline our commitment to ensuring accountability of those who use chemical weapons through all means available, including, as appropriate through the sharing of information, sanctions measures and strengthening the capacity of participating states.

2018-55: We reaffirm our strong commitment to the Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction as a proven and effective mechanism for addressing WMD proliferation threats that exist worldwide.

2018-56: In its 15th anniversary year, we also reiterate our support for the complementary efforts of the Proliferation Security Initiative

2018-57: We are committed to continuing to promote effective systems of national controls for exports and imports of conventional arms and dual-use goods, including those called for in the Arms Trade Treaty

2018-58: [We are committed to continuing] to supporting improvements in stockpile management and law enforcement cooperation.

2018-59: We support the full implementation of the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons, in All Its Aspects

2018-60: We remain committed to comprehensive mine action addressing mines, explosive remnants of war and unexploded ordnance.

Transnational security threats

2018-61: We [celebrate successes against Daesh, al Qaeda and other groups but] are resolved to continue to fight them and all their affiliates through multilateral counterterrorism efforts, including the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and the Global Counterterrorism Forum

2018-62: [We are resolved to] continuing to tackle the threat from al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

2018-63: We [welcome the establishment of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism and] will work to ensure‎ that the review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy continues to promote balanced implementation across all four of its pillars and the recommendations of the Secretary General's Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.

2018-64: We recognize that violent extremists and terrorists manipulate and exploit gender stereotypes and dynamics to attract and maintain recruits and use sexual and gender-based violence, including trafficking in persons and rape, and we are committed to holding those responsible to account.

2018-65: We recognize that violent extremists and terrorists manipulate and exploit gender stereotypes and dynamics to attract and maintain recruits and use sexual and gender-based violence, including trafficking in persons and rape, and we are committed to holding those responsible to account.

2018-66: Recognizing that gender-responsive measures that include women's perspectives and participation to prevent and eradicate terrorism are vital to effective and sustainable results, we are committed to fully integrating the women, peace and security agenda into our counterterrorism policies and programs.

2018-67: We are committed to developing and implementing common measures to address the risks posed by the international travel of terrorists, including foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), as outlined in the joint commitments of the G7 foreign and security ministers.

2018-68: We recognize the importance of holding returning FTFs accountable for their actions and are committed to providing appropriate disengagement, rehabilitation and reintegration programs, with special consideration afforded to children, youth and women based on their age and gender needs.

2018-69: We remain committed to enhancing our efforts, individually and collectively, to promote better implementation of effective aviation security measures.

2018-70: In this regard we welcome and offer our full support to the International Civil Aviation Organization to deliver early and substantive implementation of the new Global Aviation Security Plan.

2018-71: We strongly support the full implementation of UNSCR 2396 on measures to counter threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.

2018-72: We continue to support measures to tackle terrorist financing, including via UNSCR 2368 on the Daesh and al Qaeda sanctions regime, UNSCR 1373, UNSCR 1267 and its successors

2018-73: [We continue to support] UNSCR 2347 on the protection of cultural heritage from illicit trafficking

2018-74: [We continue to support] UNSCR 2341 on the protection of critical infrastructure.

2018-75: In this context, we reiterate our resolve to prevent terrorist groups from using kidnap for ransom as a means of raising funds for their activities and harming our citizens at home and overseas, in accordance with the relevant international conventions.

2018-76: We reiterate our commitment to bringing perpetrators to justice, and to this end we intend to further enhance cooperation between law enforcement and criminal justice authorities, including in partnership with third countries with due regard for human rights.

2018-77: We are committed to working together to strengthen cross-border law enforcement and tackle associated corruption, to close markets for illegally traded wildlife and wildlife products,  including elephant ivory.

2018-78: We will support the October conference in London as an important moment in strengthening the global fight against the illegal wildlife trade and threats to protected species.

2018-79: We remain committed to an accessible, open, interoperable, reliable and secure cyberspace for all.

2018-80: We pledge support for the development and implementation of practical cyber confidence-building measures between states, as well as capacity-building support for their implementation.

2018-81: We reiterate our support for the G7 Lucca Declaration on Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace [as well as "The Principles and Actions on Cyber" endorsed in Ise-Shima.]

2018-82: We reaffirm our commitment to contribute to international cooperative action by working together to develop measures aimed at preventing, deterring, discouraging and countering malicious cyber acts and thus strengthen our collective resolve to deter malicious cyber actors by imposing costs in a timely manner.

2018-83: Further, we will continue working closely together to set out clear conditions for facilitating access to digital evidence for law enforcement and judicial authorities, including through the negotiation of an Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention with the necessary conditions and safeguards, and in full respect of human rights.

2018-84: We also reaffirm our commitment to prevent the use of the Internet for terrorist and violent extremist purposes.

2018-85: We express our determination to continue to work in support of security ministers to encourage technology companies to implement measures necessary to prevent and counter radicalization to violence, terrorist recruitment and operational planning using the Internet to counter violent extremist and terrorist narratives while fostering positive alternative narratives. To increase their effectiveness, these efforts must be coordinated with other counterterrorism and countering-violent-extremism interventions.

Conflict prevention and support for UN efforts and reform

2018-86: We further stress the need to accelerate efforts to increase the number of women serving in a full range of peacekeeping roles, including leadership positions across the UN.

2018-87: [We also acknowledge that civil society, in particular local women's organizations and movements, plays a central role in conflict prevention and often needs support to effectively carry out its functions. In this context, we welcome initiatives such as the WPS Focal Points Network, launched on the margins of the UN General Assembly in 2016.] We are committed to demonstrating leadership in this area, notably by continuing to strengthen partnerships with international and regional organizations, as well as civil society organizations.

2018-88: As per our Toronto Commitments, we intend to build tailored partnerships based on mutual learning and approaches in order to address the challenges related to the situation and role of women in promoting peace and security.

2018-89: We confirm our intention to accelerate the global implementation of the youth, peace and security agenda, as set out in UNSCR 2250, including through investing in young people's resilience and promoting their meaningful inclusion in all efforts for maintaining and promoting peace and security.

2018-90: We reiterate our support for African-led peace and security initiatives and welcome the commitment of the AU and its member states to assume more responsibilities, including financial.

2018-91: We also support both the accelerated implementation of the AU Roadmap for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development's High-Level Revitalization Forum process for South Sudan.

2018-92: We also reiterate our support for the Multinational Joint Task Force against Boko Haram and Daesh-West Africa.

2018-93: We support a phased and conditions-based transition of security responsibilities from the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to Somali security forces with clear target dates, and we stress the need for to identify sustainable funding for AMISOM.

2018-94: We [welcome the operationalization of the G5 Sahel Joint Force and] continue to support the efforts of the G5 Sahel states in improving regional cooperation and the fight against terrorism, underscoring the need to respect human rights.

2018-95: We [welcome the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Ghassan Salamé,] and support the UN-led Action Plan presented in September 2017 to support the stabilization of Libya through an inclusive Libyan political reconciliation process.

2018-96: We recognize and fully support the UN Support Mission in Libya's efforts, which are working to prepare the ground for successful national elections.

2018-97: We are firmly committed to promoting accountability for those responsible for chemical weapons use and other abuses of international human rights law and violations of humanitarian law, including by supporting prosecutions, where possible.

2018-98: We express our commitment to a long-term, broad partnership with Iraq, on the basis of shared economic, diplomatic, cultural and security cooperation.

2018-99: We support the efforts of the Iraqi authorities, the UN and the Global Coalition to restore security and basic services in liberated areas

2018-100: [We support the efforts of the Iraqi authorities, the UN and the Global Coalition to] provide assistance to internally displaced persons so that they can return to their homes in a safe, dignified and voluntary manner, should they choose to do so.

2018-101: We remain concerned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

2018-102: We reiterate our commitment to a political and negotiated solution for Afghanistan, as part of an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned inclusive process supported by all key regional and international stakeholders.

Annex 1 FM: Promoting Implementation of International Humanitarian Law


The G7 will, as appropriate:

2018-103: seek commitments from partners to enhance respect for IHL;

2018-104: continue to help increase the capacity of state and, when relevant, non-state partners to implement international humanitarian law by assisting them to incorporate IHL into their doctrine, education, field training, operational decision-making processes and rules of engagement; and

2018-105: assist partners in ensuring that their disciplinary and/or judicial structures are capable of effectively addressing their own IHL violations should they occur and holding persons accountable for IHL violations in accordance with applicable requirements of international law.

Annex 2 FM: The G7 Women, Peace and Security Partnerships Initiative


2018-106: Through a Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Partnerships Initiative, the G7 members will work together to accelerate positive change on the ground.

2018-107: G7 members will coordinate efforts as appropriate and provide targeted support to conflict-affected partner countries working to build peace and security through the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and subsequent WPS resolutions, including through national action plans to implement the women, peace and security agenda.

In pursuing the WPS Partnerships Initiative, G7 members commit to:

2018-108: establish partnerships with and provide targeted assistance to partner countries to further implementation of the women, peace and security agenda;

2018-109: enhance G7 coordination, support and engagement in partner countries on women, peace and security issues, engaging with governments;

2018-110: [enhance G7 coordination, support and engagement in partner countries on women, peace and security issues, engaging with] regional and multilateral organizations;

2018-111: [enhance G7 coordination, support and engagement in partner countries on women, peace and security issues, engaging with] parliamentarians; civil society, in particular women's organizations;

2018-112: [enhance G7 coordination, support and engagement in partner countries on women, peace and security issues, engaging with] other stakeholders;

2018-113: ensure that all efforts to support the women, peace and security agenda are based on mutual learning and approaches;

2018-114: share results and lessons learned from this G7 initiative in other multilateral contexts to encourage similar initiatives and achieve broader progress;

2018-115: report on progress on this commitment at the next G7 FMM, in 2019.

Defending Democracy — Addressing Foreign Threats (FM and SM)


2018-116: We are committed to a rules-based international order, which is central to the maintenance and development of free, open, well-governed, pluralistic, peaceful, and prosperous societies, together with cooperation and security among states.

2018-117: Foreign actors seeking to undermine democratic institutions and processes through coercive, corrupt, covert or malicious means constitute a strategic threat, which we commit to confront together, and with other countries that share democratic values.

2018-118: We commit to exchange information to reinforce our democracies and strengthen our societies' resilience. 

2018-119: [We commit to] coordinate action and develop strategies [to reinforce our democracies and strengthen our societies' resilience.]

2018-120: We will identify focal points in G7 countries to facilitate cooperation.

2018-121: We commit to providing advice to leaders in time for the Charlevoix Summit outlining our coordinated approach to reinforce our democracies and respond to interference in countries democratic systems, including, but not restricted to, the following illustrative examples: [see document for list]

Managing Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Associated Travellers (FM and SM)


We commit to working together to manage the threats posed by these individuals and their families, through a range of enforcement, disruption and prosecution measures, and in cases where applicable, disengagement, deradicalization and reintegration. Measures will respect human rights and the rule of law, and should be gender-sensitive. To this end we will:

2018-122: Address information-sharing challenges related to these threats, in accordance with domestic and international laws and regulations

2018-123: enhance cooperation among relevant border, security and judicial authorities, including cooperation with Interpol. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that critical information is shared in a timely manner.

2018-124: Bolster global aviation security to better detect and address these threats by working together and with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), to elevate global security standards and deliver full implementation of the new Global Aviation Security Plan.

2018-125: In line with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2396, commit to working with ICAO to establish a standard for the collection, use, processing and protection of PNR data, with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Particular attention will be given to ensuring that screening measures are not gender biased, where appropriate.

Implement the following UNSCRs ourselves and support others to implement:

2018-126: UNSCR 2178 (2014) and 2396 (2017) on foreign terrorist fighters, with particular reference to passenger data

2018-127: [UNSCR 2178 (2014) and 2396 (2017) on foreign terrorist fighters, with particular reference to] biometric border systems implementation

2018-128: [UNSCR 2178 (2014) and 2396 (2017) on foreign terrorist fighters, with particular reference to]prevention of violent extremist and terrorist use of the Internet

2018-129: UNSCR 2242 (2015), particularly with regards to applying the women, peace and security agenda to counterterrorism efforts.

2018-130: UNSCR 2250 (2015), with regards to the role of youth in preventing and countering violent extremism.

2018-131: Support and coordinate technical assistance to third-party countries toward implementing UNSCR 2396, with regard to sharing information on returning foreign terrorist fighters within the limits of UNSCR 2396.

2018-132: Enhance information sharing among competent authorities at the national level and through international frameworks to improve the collection, sharing and admissibility of battlefield information, in accordance with domestic and international laws and regulations, for both prevention (detection, border security, risk assessment) and prosecution (criminal justice) purposes.

2018-133: Strengthen collaboration between practitioners and policy makers on challenges related to intervention strategies

2018-134: encourage the Roma-Lyon Group on Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism to integrate approaches and practical initiatives, including disengagement, deradicalization and reintegration strategies, that respect human rights and the rule of law, and include gender-informed and age-sensitive considerations.

2018-135: Forge strong relationships between government and civil society organizations to deliver multi-agency interventions focused on disengagement and deradicalization, while looking at enhanced screening and detection of foreign terrorist fighters and associated travellers

2018-136: continue to support the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.

2018-137: Expand relationships between G7-led research initiatives and networks, including by sharing best practices and expertise with other international actors—most notably the UN, the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) and the EU, and with other affected countries.

2018-138: Step up and coordinate support to partner countries in detecting and managing foreign terrorist fighters and associated travellers. Such support could cover technical and legal assistance and sharing knowledge and best practices.

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